Reasons to Use Solar Power

Reasons to Use Solar Power – Why People Have to Shift to Solar Power?

Solar Power

There are lots of reasons to use solar power today. Since the finite fuels are starting to run out, many people begin to shift to solar power as the alternative energy.

Solar energy provides lots of benefit in financial, environment, and personal benefits. The plentiful and free availability of solar power become the principal reasons to use solar power.

Solar Panel: A Greener Earth

Solar Power

There are lots of reasons to use solar power that people should acknowledge. However, few of them are widely know.

The biggest benefit being that a solar powered system in a home can supply electricity during an urgent situation.

In advance, solar power can be utilized to provide power for simple lighting in passages of homes, rooms, staircases, in backyards and open pathways in and around a house.

Solar Power in Home: Never Runs Out

Solar Power

In fact, there are still other great reasons to use solar power in homes. Solar power differs from the finite fuels (coal, gas, and oil).

When using the solar power, you will find that it never runs out. As long as the sun is still shining, you can harness the solar power.

Furthermore, one of the major reasons to use solar power that it doesn’t produce any pollution to the environment.

Solar Power: No Transportation Costs

Solar Power

Other reasons to use solar power would be that there is no transportation costs involved as in the case of coal, oil, and gas.

The solar panels are located close to the end use in all solar power installations. There are no transmission costs either.

The use of solar power combined with electricity supplied by utility services, gives the home owner extra benefit as down times are insignificant.

By having extra free power available through solar power means bringing down the cost paid to the electrical supplier.

One essential of many reasons to use solar power is your help to keep your environment save and natural.

More Reasons to Use Solar Energy

solar power

As you go along and find numerous uses of solar power and its long term benefit to the environment there will be more reasons to use solar power.

Renewable energy solutions are highly reliable and very efficient, unlike conventional power generating companies.

Further reasons to use solar power is that it can control your energy bills.

It can manage your energy bills by creating standalone power supply which begins to pay back in the near future.

By using the solar power, you will give great contribution to save your planet. Actually, that is the most significant reasons too use solar power.

For more information, please check out links on this Solar Energy Secret site.

Solar Power Fan – the Best Choice for Attic

Solar power fan is better used to keep your topmost part of your house cool during the summer period.

By using the solar power fan, you can avoid the circulation of mildew and mold into the house.

In most of houses, the hot air commonly trapped in the attic or loft then eventually become moisture.

If you breathe in the dirty air, it can affect your health. Furthermore, you can avoid this by using the solar power fan.

By using the solar power, solar power fan will help to drive out the hot air from the house.

It can help you in saving the electricity bills since the functioning of these fans depend on the sun power.

You can operate these fans at 850 cfm and cool around 1200 square feet. In addition, an inbuilt thermostat can assist turn the fan on or off at regulated heats.

Solar Powered Attic Fans

Details about Solar Powered Attic Fan

Fans make a difference in retaining the attics cool. The solar power fan uses 10 to 20 watt solar power to run.

The fan is provided with intake vents to give high capacity powered ventilation which do not need any electricity. Usually, these vents are mounted high on the roof near the ridge.

The solar power fan comes fully assembled. Installation is simple and straightforward as most instructions are given in the product guidebook. Generally, these fans are designed to work along with enough intake air vents.

A roofing trade contractor usually can set up these fans. When installing the fan, the contractor should maximize intake of air and check for correct sealing between the conditioned space of the home and the attic.

Drawing air from the house into the attic runs the risk of producing attic moisture and drawing the byproducts of combustion back into the house.

The solar power fan for the attic comes with a guarantee ranging from five to twenty-five years depending on the components used.

Standard powered fans are linked to the main electrical supply in the house.

This involves substantial amount of wiring and tend to breakdowns.

The solar power fan has none of these problems and it needs no wiring.

You can experience the solar fan run for almost 24 hours non-stop. Basically, the solar power fan takes the energy directly from the solar cells that are located on the topmost of the roof.

solar power fan

In most new manufacture application, roofing contractor is making stipulation for the installation of solar power fan vents.

These units reduce the necessities of complicated wiring. If you need more information, please explore links on this Solar Energy Secret site.

Solar Heating System – Providing Heat for Various Purposes

solar heating systems

Solar heating system is a device that is used for heating purposes. Principally, solar heating system uses solar power instead of finite fuels (coal, oil, and gas) or electrical energy.

In simple explanation, solar heating system focuses the solar warmth on liquids (air or water) detained in its collectors.

Solar Heating System is Designed for Heating

Based on the technique of driving the fluid through the system, there are two mainly essential types of solar heating system. They are active system type and passive system type.

To drive the fluid through the collector, active solar heating systems use a pumping mechanism.

In contrast, passive systems use the natural convection in fluids to get them moving through the collectors.

Active solar heating systems are more useful to install at home.

Therefore, they are suggested for household heating purposes.

Additionally, they are more cost effective than passive systems.

Choosing a Solar Heating System

Choosing a Solar Heating System

While selecting a solar heating system for home use, there are several factors require to be considered.

They are including the location of the house, its design, and the heating necessities.

Moreover, the type of system collectors and the local climate determine the production of warmth by the system.

Generally, the customer should select a system that can meet over 40% of the household heating needs.

It is both not cost-effective and not practical to buy a system that would meet all the heating necessities.

The best strategy is to keep a back-up heating system (electricity or fuel) for use in case the solar heating system goes out of order or fails to serve the purpose.

Cost of an Active Solar Heating System

How Much Do Solar Panels Installation Cost

The cost of an active solar system for heating houses varies. It depends on some factors including the taxation rules of the state in which the house is placed.

Typically, the present cost of an active solar heating system ranges from $30 to $80 for each square foot of the collector area.

This is mostly helpful in reducing the heating costs in winter.

Most of all, solar heating systems do not contaminate the environment with noxious emissions like those produced by fossil fuels.

Installation and Maintenance

Solar Power Installation and Maintenance

Completely, a solar heating system should be created and installed by a qualified service provider.

The maintenance measures for the system depend on its type.

Generally, it is averaging between 8 to 16 hours of maintenance each year.

In the common of case, the home indemnity policy covers the maintenance costs of solar water heating systems.

Nevertheless, the cost of damage as the effect of freezing is usually not covered by home insurance.

If you need more information, please explore links on this Solar Energy Secret site.

Solar Power for Homes – Get the Right Guide to Enjoy the Solar Power

Solar power for homes is become an excellent option to power home economically. In fact, it is the development from the concept of ancient people in using the solar power.

Long time ago, ancient people used solar power for heating purposes such as heating the house of drying crops.

Gradually people develop it then turn into solar power for homes to provide power for various purposes.

This actually began since the invention of the effect of photoelectric and the discovery of steam engine powered by solar power.

In the 20th century, the need for using solar power for homes was seriously considered.

It occurred when it was realized that fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) are starting to run out.

Moreover, electricity will be harder to generate economically energy in the future.

Using solar power for homes also offers little serious impact on the environment.

Uses of Solar Power for Homes

Solar power for homes is purposed for many different reasons. In general, they are utilized for powering low-power and small appliances such as radios, gadgets, lightings, children’s toys, small water pumps, and many more.

Solar power can also be stored in batteries. Furthermore, during a period of power outage, you can use the power from batteries for lighting the house.

Lots of people are increasingly use solar power for heating homes during winter in recent time.

How Home Solar Power Systems Work?

Photovoltaic (PV) panels are attached to the roof of a house in order to use solar power for homes. It is purposed in order their expanded surfaces face south for houses placed in the northern hemisphere.

For those in the southern hemisphere, the panels should face north to collect highest solar energy.

The average power production of a solar cell is about 11 to 22 watt per square foot. When received by the panels, the solar energy produces electric current in them.

This current is stocked up in a big battery bank that is linked to the PV array through a charger controller.

The DC current stocked in the battery is converted to AC current (used in homes) by a DC-AC inverter for running home a variety of uses.

Odds against Using Solar Power for Homes

The major disadvantage that impedes the use of solar power for homes are the high cost of purchase and installation are.

Depending on the size of the home and the particular solar power system, it costs an average of $20,000 to $40,000 for setting up a solar power system at home.

The high costs of installing solar panels at home are due to the necessity of using pure silicon in their manufacture.

However, solar-grade silicon in recent times has been gained from metallurgical silicon.

This advance is projected to lessen the installation costs of solar power for homes to about one-third of the present costs.

Generally, solar panels are too expensive.

Moreover, in areas of little sunshine and also on cloudy days as well as after sunset, solar panels are not very useful.

For more information, please check out links on this Solar Energy site.


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